Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Internships, Internships, Internships!

Next year I'll have two internships, and I'll have a job on the side! Senior year isn't supposed to be relaxing! That's a lie.

The first internship I applied for and was chosen to do is a position as a Residence Life intern... I am so excited about this position since I have loved my time in RezLife so much this year! I am able to continue to plan events, and help be an aid to the new RAs next year, as well as work in the office with some of my absolute favorite people. I don't know why, but I just love sharing from my own personal experiences. Maybe I'm conceited? Just Kidding, but I do like to share my successes and failures to other people who are in the same boat as I was or currently am. But hey, some people have to learn from their own mistakes, and their own successes. Cheers to that!

My other internship is something I have been anticipating my entire college career. The senior year social service internship....dun dun dun.... This is like the final release before I enter the real world, as a graduated BSW student. I will be working in Santa Anita Family Services with teen aged parents, and domestic violence victims. I am so excited for this opportunity and I can't wait to see how this develops me professionally, and as a person. I need to look into buying myself a woman's pantsuit- It's time to get on the horse and get going!

There's an I in intern but no I in Taylor!

1 comment:

  1. congrats & congrats, Tay! I know this is besides the point, but you are gonna KILL a "woman's pantsuit". So happy for & proud of you =)
